Instagram API Rate Limits: Impact on Video Scheduling

Instagram's API rate limits have drastically changed how creators and marketers schedule videos. Here's what you need to know:

  • API requests slashed from 5,000 to 200 per hour

  • Daily post limit capped at 25 via API

  • Video size max: 100 MB, duration: 3-60 seconds

  • Scheduling limited to 75 days in advance

These changes affect:

  • Content creators

  • Social media managers

  • Marketers

  • Business owners using Instagram

Key strategies to work within limits:

  1. Plan content calendars carefully

  2. Focus on high-quality, must-have content

  3. Use Instagram's built-in scheduling tools

  4. Implement caching and batching of API calls

AspectOld LimitNew Limit
API calls/hour5,000200
Daily postsUnlimited25
Scheduling windowUnlimited75 days

Stay adaptable as Instagram continues to update its policies. Keep an eye on official announcements and adjust your strategy accordingly.

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What are Instagram API rate limits?

Instagram API rate limits control how often third-party apps can access Instagram's data. They cap the number of requests an app can make to Instagram's servers in a set time.

Definition of rate limits

API rate limits = max number of calls an app can make to Instagram's servers in a given period.

Current limit: 200 calls per hour. (Down from 5,000 calls per hour)

This change? Big impact on apps needing frequent Instagram data access.

Example: A social media tool that used to update feeds every few minutes might now only do so every 15-20 minutes.

Current Instagram policies

Instagram's API policies are tighter now:

API calls200/hour
API-published posts25/24 hours
Image formatJPEG only
Video sizeMax 100 MB
Video duration3-60 seconds

These apply to Instagram Business and Creator accounts using the Graph API. Personal accounts? No API access since March 2020.

Old vs. new limits

The change is dramatic:

AspectOld LimitNew Limit
API calls per hour5,000200
EndpointsMany public data pointsLimited, business data focus
User data accessBroadRestricted

Why the change? To match Facebook's limits and boost privacy. But it's tough for third-party apps and marketers.

What now? Businesses and developers need to get smart about using Instagram data. They must plan their API calls carefully to stay within the new limits.

How rate limits affect video scheduling

Instagram's API rate limits are a pain for video scheduling and social media management. They make life tough for creators and marketers trying to post regularly.

Content creator headaches

Here's what creators are up against:

  • You can only schedule 25 posts or Reels per day. That's not much if you're pumping out content.

  • With API calls slashed from 5,000 to 200 per hour, you can't update your feed as often.

  • Many tools can't post directly. You'll get a notification and have to post manually.

  • Want to collaborate on a Reel? Tough luck if you're scheduling it.

Marketing plans take a hit

Marketers aren't having fun either:

  • Sticking to the best posting times? Good luck with those API limits.

  • Third-party apps can't grab as much data. Tracking performance just got harder.

  • More manual work. Yay, said no marketer ever.

  • Pro accounts are a must for Reels scheduling. Not ideal for everyone.

Check out how bad the API changes are:

What changedBeforeNowOuch factor
API calls/hour5,00020096% less data
Daily postsNo limit25Cramped content calendar
How far ahead you can scheduleNo limit75 daysBye-bye long-term plans

Marketers are scrambling to adapt. Even big players like Hootsuite are feeling the heat:

Manual posting? Limited automation? Instagram marketing just got a whole lot trickier.

Why Instagram uses rate limits

Instagram's API rate limits aren't just a headache for marketers. They're there for good reasons.

Technical reasons

Rate limits keep Instagram running smoothly:

  • They cap API calls at 200 per hour, down from 5,000

  • This prevents server overload

  • It makes life harder for bots trying to scrape data or spam

  • It's also a response to data privacy concerns after the Cambridge Analytica scandal

Instagram's goals

Instagram has specific aims with these limits:

1. Protect user privacy

They've cut off API access to follows, likes, and public comments. This makes it tougher to build "intelligence maps" of users.

2. Push businesses to official channels

Instagram wants brands using business accounts and official tools. It gives them more control and data.

3. Improve user experience

Less automated stuff means more real engagement.

4. Match Facebook

The 200 calls per hour limit is the same as Facebook's. Consistency across platforms.

These limits have shaken up how businesses use Instagram. Take influencer marketing platforms:

Tracked tons of hashtagsLimited hashtag tracking
Got data in real-timeUse more historical data
Deep audience analyticsLess data access

It's a pain for some, but it's part of a bigger shift in social media. Platforms are locking down data and putting user privacy first.


How to work with API rate limits

Instagram's API rate limits can be tricky. But don't worry, there are ways to work around them:

Make fewer API calls

Group your requests. Instead of separate calls for each bit of info, bundle them together. For user data, grab all the fields you need in one go.

Use caching

Store common data locally. This cuts down on API calls. Cache stuff that doesn't change much, like:

Data TypeCache For
User Profiles24 hours
Post Metadata1 hour
Follower Counts30 minutes

Try webhooks

Let Instagram push updates to you. This beats constantly checking for changes. Great for real-time updates on posts or comments.

Improve retry methods

Hit a limit? Use exponential backoff:

Use other content sharing methods

Look into options that need fewer API calls. Try Instagram's built-in scheduling for business accounts or third-party tools with bulk uploads.

Tips for scheduling videos within limits

Here's how to make the most of Instagram's API rate limits when scheduling videos:

Plan content calendars

Create a calendar that works with Instagram's limits:

  • Schedule up to 75 days ahead

  • Post 2 feed items weekly, several stories daily

  • Use Buffer or Sendible for extra features

Focus on key content

Choose your best content for API scheduling:

  • Audit your Instagram to see what clicks

  • Mix post types to keep engagement up

  • Use API calls for must-have content

Use Instagram's tools

Leverage Instagram's scheduling features:

  • Business accounts: 25 posts daily

  • Create and schedule posts in-app

  • Try Meta Business Suite for cross-platform management

What might change in the future

Instagram's API policies and rate limits are always changing. Here's what could happen soon:

Policy updates on the horizon

Instagram will likely keep tightening API rate limits to fight spam and data scraping. It's a trend we're seeing across social media.

Adam Mosseri, Instagram's boss, said on Threads:

This could mean:

  • Fewer than 200 requests per hour for each Instagram account

  • Stricter limits on specific API endpoints

  • New ways to prove you're legit when using the API

Tech shaking things up

New tech could change how we schedule and share Instagram videos:

1. AI scheduling

AI might figure out the best times to post based on when users engage most. This could help work within API limits more efficiently.

2. Blockchain

Blockchain could verify content and manage API access. This might lead to a whole new way of limiting API use.

3. Smart caching

New caching tricks could help third-party tools make fewer API calls while still giving users fresh info.

TechHow it could change video scheduling
AIBetter posting times, more efficient
BlockchainVerify content, new API limits
Smart cachingFewer API calls, fresher info

As things change, creators and marketers need to stay in the loop. Keep an eye on Instagram's official updates and what trusted scheduling tools are saying to stay ahead of the game.


Instagram's new API rate limits have shaken up video scheduling. Here's the lowdown:

Key takeaways

  • Instagram slashed API requests from 5,000 to 200 per hour.

  • Content calendars are now crucial.

  • Instagram's built-in scheduling tools are your friend.

  • Quality content is more important than ever.

StrategyWhy it matters
Plan aheadWork within API limits
Use native toolsBypass third-party restrictions
Focus on qualityMake each post count

Roll with the punches

Instagram's always changing. Stay on your toes:

1. Keep an eye on official Instagram updates

2. Watch for announcements from your scheduling tools

3. Tweak your strategy as new features drop

These limits aren't going anywhere. As Instagram's head, Adam Mosseri, put it on Threads:

So, adapt and thrive in this new Instagram landscape.


What's Instagram's API rate limit?

Instagram caps API requests at 200 per hour for each third-party app. This is way down from the old 5,000 per hour limit, which changed on November 27, 2022.

What does "rate limit reached or API restricted" mean?

You'll see this when you've bombarded the Instagram API with too many requests. It means:

  • You've hit the 200 requests per hour ceiling

  • Some (or all) of your requests won't go through

  • Time to take a breather before making more API calls

How many API calls can I make on Instagram?

Instagram lets you make 200 calls per user in a rolling one-hour window. They do this to keep things running smoothly and prevent API abuse.

How does Instagram's user rate limit work?

The user rate limit is a bit more flexible:

WhatHow it works
Individual userCan go over 200 calls/hour
App max200 calls/user/hour
Example100 users = 20,000 calls/hour

Can I schedule Instagram posts?

Yep, you've got two options:

  1. Instagram's built-in scheduling tools

  2. Third-party schedulers like Planable

Both let you set specific times for your posts, including regular posts, Reels, and Stories.

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