Video Lead Scoring: 3-Step Guide

Video lead scoring helps you identify hot prospects by tracking how they engage with your video content. Here's a quick guide to get started:

  1. Score leads based on video topics

  2. Score leads by video watch time

  3. Score leads by total video views

To implement video lead scoring, you'll need:

  • Basic lead scoring knowledge

  • Video marketing software

  • Integration with your CRM system

Key benefits:

  • Identify sales-ready leads

  • Understand prospect interests

  • Tailor sales outreach

StepWhat to TrackWhy It Matters
1. TopicsVideo subject/funnel stageShows buyer's journey position
2. Watch TimePercentage viewedIndicates level of interest
3. Total ViewsNumber of videos watchedReveals overall engagement

Start small, focus on high-value videos, and refine your approach based on sales feedback and conversion data. With the right setup, video lead scoring can significantly boost your marketing and sales effectiveness.

Related video from YouTube

What you need to start

To kick off video lead scoring, you'll need three things:

Basic lead scoring knowledge

Get the hang of lead scoring first. It's about giving points to online actions to spot hot prospects. This helps your sales team work smarter and close more deals.

For instance:

  • Whitepaper download = 5 points

  • Webinar attendance = 10 points

  • Demo request = 15 points

Video marketing software

You'll want tools to track how people interact with your videos. Look for:

  • View counts

  • Watch time

  • Engagement (likes, comments, shares)

SoftwareKey FeaturesBest For
WistiaDeep analytics, lead formsB2B
VidyardMarketo integration, custom playerSales teams
DubbMobile app, multi-channel sharingSmall businesses

Connecting with CRM systems

Link your video data to your CRM. This lets you:

  • See who watched what

  • Track viewing time

  • Combine video engagement with other lead info

1. Score leads based on video topics

Video lead scoring helps you spot hot prospects by tracking how they engage with your videos. Here's how to set it up:

Group videos by buying stages

Map your videos to the buyer's journey:

  1. Awareness: Top-funnel videos educating about a problem

  2. Consideration: Mid-funnel videos introducing your product

  3. Decision: Bottom-funnel videos showcasing features or demos

Wistia's grouping example:

Funnel StageVideo TypeExample
TopEducationalDIY production how-to videos
MiddleProduct overviewIntro to Wistia's tools
BottomDetailed demosFeature walkthroughs

Assign points to videos

Give more points to bottom-funnel videos. A sample system:

Video TypePoints

Tweak these based on your sales cycle and content.

Organize your video content

Use a consistent naming system. Include the funnel stage in the title or description. This helps your marketing tools score videos correctly.


  • TOF_VideoProduction101

  • MOF_WistiaOverview

  • BOF_AnalyticsDemoVideo

This setup lets you quickly create scoring rules in your marketing automation platform.

2. Score leads by video watch time

Video watch time tells you a lot about how interested a lead is. Here's how to use it:

Track watch percentages

Keep an eye on how much of each video your leads watch. It's simple: the more they watch, the more interested they probably are.

To do this:

  1. Use a video platform that works with your CRM

  2. Set up watch percentage tracking

  3. Link this data to your lead scoring

Set watch time rules

Don't count every view. Set minimums to focus on real engagement. Here's a basic system:

Watch PercentagePoints
25% - 49%5
50% - 74%10
75% - 100%15

Andrew from Wistia says:

Create scoring levels

Use these points to group leads. For example:

EngagementPointsWhat to do
Low0-10Send more basic info
Medium11-20Offer mid-level content
High21+Get sales to reach out

Meisha, formerly at Wistia, adds:

3. Score leads by total video views

Want to know how interested a lead is in your content? Track their total video views. Here's how:

  1. Set up view tracking in your video platform

  2. Connect it to your CRM or marketing automation tool

  3. Create a scoring system based on total views

Gordian, a construction tech company, did this using Vidyard, Marketo, and Salesforce.

But don't count every single view. Use these guidelines:

Minimum views3 videos5 points
Time frame30 daysN/A
Watch percentageAt least 50%2 points per video

This way, you're focusing on leads who show real interest over time.

Don't forget about data storage:

  • Check your marketing platform's data retention policy

  • Set up regular data cleanups

  • Focus on recent engagement (last 3-6 months) for accurate scoring


How to set it up

Let's break down setting up video lead scoring into simple steps:

Set up your video platform

1. Pick a video hosting platform with engagement tracking (like Wistia or Vidyard).

2. Turn on engagement tracking features:

  • View counts

  • Watch time percentages

  • Total viewing time

3. Create custom fields for specific data points you want to track.

Connect to marketing tools

1. Link your video platform to your CRM or marketing automation tool.

2. Map video engagement data to lead fields in your CRM:

  • Number of videos watched

  • Types of videos viewed

  • Total watch time

3. Set up regular data syncing.

Test and improve scoring

1. Start with a basic scoring model:

Watch 50% of a video2
Watch 3+ videos in 30 days5
Watch a product demo10

2. Watch lead quality for 30-60 days after starting.

3. Tweak scoring rules based on sales feedback and conversion data.

4. Clean up your data regularly. Set up periodic data purges to keep things accurate.

Tips for success

Start small, then grow

Don't overcomplicate things. Start with a simple video lead scoring system:

Watch 50% of a video5
Complete a product demo10
View 3+ videos in 30 days15

Focus on these 3-5 key triggers. As you gather data, you can expand and fine-tune your system.

Check scoring rules often

Look at your scoring criteria every month. Why? Because things change:

  • Your audience's behavior shifts

  • You try new marketing strategies

  • You want better lead quality

Maybe you notice that 75% video completion is a stronger signal than 50%. Update your scoring to reflect that.

Match videos to buyer stages

Align your videos with the buyer's journey:

1. Awareness: What's happening in the industry?

2. Consideration: How does your product stack up?

3. Decision: Show off your product and happy customers

This helps you score leads based on what they're actually interested in.

Common problems and fixes

Managing too much data

Video lead scoring can flood you with data. It's easy to get lost in the numbers.

Here's how to fix it:

  1. Pick your key metrics. Only track what moves the sales needle.

  2. Use visuals. Graphs and charts help you spot trends fast.

  3. Set up auto-reports. Save time and keep things consistent.

Keeping tracking consistent

Tracking video engagement across platforms? It's tricky. Different tools often measure things their own way.

Try this:

  • Stick to one main video platform

  • Define your terms (What's a "view" to you?)

  • Double-check your data regularly

Balancing detail and usefulness

Too much detail can be as bad as too little. You need the Goldilocks zone.

Here's how:

  • Start small. Use 3-5 scoring criteria at first.

  • Test and tweak. See what actually predicts sales.

  • Ask your sales team. They know which leads matter.

Even the big players struggle with lead scoring. It's okay to pivot if needed.

Remember: You're trying to help sales, not create busywork. Keep it simple and useful.

Checking if it's working

Want to know if your video lead scoring is paying off? Let's look at the numbers that matter, how it's impacting sales, and ways to make it even better.

Key numbers to watch

Keep an eye on these metrics:

MetricWhat it showsTarget
Video completion rateEngagement60%+
Click-through rate (CTR)CTA effectiveness>3.21%
Lead-to-MQL conversionLead qualityUpward trend
MQL-to-SQL conversionSales readinessUpward trend

Sales impact

Look for:

  • Shorter sales cycles

  • Higher conversion rates

  • More revenue per lead

Gordian, a construction tech company, used video lead scoring in a five-video campaign. The result? $6 million in revenue.

Making it better

To improve your video lead scoring:

1. Ask your sales team: They know which leads are ready to buy.

2. Tweak scoring rules: Adjust points based on what's working.

3. Match content to buyer stages: Make sure your videos fit the buyer's journey.

4. Use intent data: See which parts of videos people rewatch.

5. Connect your tools: Link your video platform with your CRM and marketing automation.


Let's recap the 3 key steps for video lead scoring:

  1. Score by video topics

  2. Score by watch time

  3. Score by total views

To get the most out of video lead scoring:

  • Start small with high-value videos

  • Refine based on feedback and data

  • Track these key metrics:

Video completion rate60%+
Click-through rate>3.21%
Lead-to-MQL conversionUpward trend

The goal? Help sales focus on hot leads. As Meisha Bochicchio from Wistia put it:

Fine-tune your system and you could see big results. TeamBuilding tripled their monthly revenue after implementing lead scoring.

Keep testing and tweaking. That's how you'll make video lead scoring work for you.

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